The restaurant


The tradition and seasonality of raw materials at km 0, you will find them expressed in the main dishes offered, starting from the appetizers of homemade sausages (ciauscolo, mazzafegato, capocollo, salami reef) and bruschetta with extra virgin olive oil of the "coroncina" monocultivar quality(from seedlings of Pievefavera located in 10 km by our local); then move on to pasta dishes, whom: handmade noodles with fresh truffle, potato dumplings from our garden of varieties “redhead” of Colfiorito with meat sauce, the vincisgrassi; For the seconds, local grilled meats are offered, lamb in potacchio, the chicken cacciatore, the pigeon in the oven, pork in porchetta with wild fennel, jugged wild boar and stewed rabbit. For the desserts, the cream (zuppa inglese at Camerino), Sibillini's pink apple pies, the fruit frostenga, the twist, Jam Tarts and jams, all accompanied by wines of the Marche to d.o. c. and i.g.t presented by a well-assorted card.

Property with its own vegetable garden, where according to the seasons vegetables and fruit and truffle fields are grown from where the fresh truffles come from, in the dishes proposed.

Nelle preparazioni non vengono utilizzate farine proteiche di origine animale ne carne sintetica.

Per rispettare i criteri ambientali, ci adoperiamo quotidianamente a mettere in pratica buone usanze tipo: l’acquisto di materie prime anche biologiche dai nostri migliori fornitori locali di fiducia, l’utilizzo di energie rinnovabili derivate dal sole (fotovoltaico per l’elettricità e pannelli solari per l’acqua calda), illuminazione interna/esterna a led, materiale per l’asporto cibo avanzato su contenitori riciclabili, sistema di differenziamento dei rifiuti con il progettoporta a portaregionale.

Book your stay now, by calling us directly at tel. 0737 46128